Installing the last Nvidia GPU driver ====================================== The compute capability of the Nvidia GPU equipped to your system should not be less than 5. To check the compute capability of a GPU, please refer to the following Nvidia web page. Depending on your system, you are invited to follow the instructions below. Windows ---------- To install the latest Nvidia GPU driver, please download the driver from the following Nvidia link ``_. Please launch the downloaded installer, and follow the instructions. Linux Debian --------------- To install the latest Nvidia GPU on Linux based operating systems, please follow the steps below: * Open a terminal * To add GPU driver’s repository, enter the following command .. code-block:: shell sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa * Update the package repository information .. code-block:: shell sudo apt update * Upgrade all packages on your system .. code-block:: shell sudo apt upgrade * Find out what proprietary driver packages are available. This information is available on NVIDIA’s site: ``_ . * In the case of Ubuntu just the following command can be used .. code-block:: shell Ubuntu-drivers list * A list of available packages will be displayed (see picture above). To install the latest package, replace “VERSION_NUMBER” in the next command with the highest version number in the list of available packages. For example : “nvidia-driver-415” . .. code-block:: shell sudo apt install nvidia-driver-VERSION_NUMBER * Reboot your computer so that the new driver is loaded.